animationtextWe customize our models to meet your specific requirements. We also create set and character modeling as per your ideas. Contact us now!

Return Policy for pixlnexs store

At Pixlnexs Store, we hold great respect for our members, and it is of utmost importance to us that our artists and sellers present their work with utmost accuracy. Our ultimate aim is to assist you in finding exactly what you need. With the aid of our 3D viewer and Model Inspector, you can rest assured that what you see is precisely what you will get.

For this reason, we have a policy of not offering refunds for any purchases made on the Pixlnexs Store, regardless of the reason.

Before proceeding with your purchase, we kindly request you to take the following precautions:

Ensure that you are selecting the correct model that meets your requirements.
Verify that the model is compatible with your software by checking the included file formats.
Use the Model Inspector to thoroughly examine the model's materials, textures, and topology.
If you have any concerns regarding the potential misrepresentation of a product or any technical inquiries about a model, we encourage you to directly contact the seller via their profile page. If you encounter any difficulties, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

It's essential to note that the Pixlnexs Store exclusively deals with digital 3D model files, and we do not facilitate the sale or shipment of physical products through our platform.

Thank you for using Pixlnexs Store, and please feel free to communicate in English for any assistance you may require.